Healing Cancer Study Support Group (Facebook)
Assisting in the complex task of researching the many and varied topics pertaining to healing cancerAbout the Healing Cancer Study Support Facebook Group
Hi, my name is Abbey Mitchell and I am the creator of this website (www.myhealingcommunity.com), and lead admin of the private Facebook group: Healing Cancer Study Support Group. Our website viewers and the facebook group members have come together from all over the world. You can request to join the group here (requests to join the group and normally approved within 2 - 48 hours).
Our group members give and receive support in the complex task of researching the many and varied topics pertaining to healing cancer.
We are above all a ‘study’ support group - and are not so much into lots of "personal main thread" posts, and much more into ‘on topic’ comments inside often already existing threads dedicated to a specific research topic.
The A-Z list (on this website) of conversation threads and files that exist on in Healing Cancer Study Support facebook Group, is helpful in that it takes existing group members directly to a thread of information on the same topic within the Facebook group. All these threads and files become accessible active links (to the Facebook Group Thread/Conversation) after your Facebook Group membership is approved/activated.
Healing Cancer Study Support Group - Things to know
- The group was created in 2019 by Abbey (who is still an admin).
20,000+ members of a PRIVATE Facebook group, researching many types of cancer and cancer related topics, in this "study support group"
- We are above all a ‘study’ support group.
- Requests to join the group and normally approved within 24-48 hours.
- While waiting for your group membership to come through please browse and bookmark the group’s A-Z threads and files directory.
- You can also read about the Groups Etiquette, Posting and commenting guidelines.
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