
About Abbey Mitchell

Founder of My Healing Community, Co-creator of the Breast Cancer Pathways Worksheet and Lead Admin and Founder of The Healing Cancer Study Support Group and Molecular Hydrogen Advisor.

I am grateful to be alive and well and have no more evidence of the metastatic breast cancer I was diagnosed within 2017. I am in my early 50s, living a simple life in the bush just 5 minutes from the sea on the beautiful mid-north coast halfway between Sydney and Brisbane, Australia.

I was first diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in 2014. At the age of 43, I had surgery to remove the left breast and then discovered the cancer had metastasised to about nine places in my bones in 2017.  In 2014, I was more like a deer in the headlights. Still, in 2017, I got to work right away with learning and practising every aspect of healing - mind, emotions, movement, stillness, new habits, the keto diet, blocking hormone and inflammatory pathways and more.

I made healing every aspect of my life my number one priority.  It's now 2023, and I have equalised and am feeling better physically, mentally and emotionally than I have in my entire life and devote much of my time to caring for others. I have visited my oncologist every 6-12 months to discuss my pathology reports and had a CT/Bone scan at least once a year up until 2024. I have only observed continuous healing and no progression.

I was not using Facebook much when I was in the real thick of things in 2017-18. It wasn't until about a year and a half after my secondary diagnosis, when I was well and genuinely witnessing my tumours vanish and on my way to no evidence of disease, that I got on Facebook cancer groups and quickly started my group. In 2017 I couldn't find an emotionally safe space to learn from scratch what I could about healing cancer from a cancer hallmarks and pathways blocking perspective.

I had no idea that starting a study group would land me here in the centre of this incredible online community. Friends I met in my group have since started their own beautiful, emotionally safe, and supportive groups. One, for women with breast cancer, on the Circle platform is called Radiant Healing Together (RHT). In 2024, after I was interviewed for the RHT group, the interest in my healing story led me to begin to gift my time each week to hold a 90-minute Zoom session for these ladies in the group. The sessions are now titled Abbey's Life Energy Connection Sessions. I facilitate the Zoom call at 6 am Wednesday mornings in my time zone. My aim is to allow everyone a chance to unravel safely, share from the heart and be heard and seen in the community. The participants can also contribute to one another whilst also connecting to the life energy of what they most need to prepare to receive what they most need via my guided practices.

I love being around others who are healing and supporting them when I can. I especially love learning about the topic of healing nutrition and exploring botanical medicines and gases like molecular hydrogen that can support conventional cancer treatments, repair the immune system and inhibit the cancer's signalling and growth pathways. I have posted some of my research summaries in the websites research blog articles section and will continue to post more.


In June 2024 my interest in all things Molecular Hydrogen and what this gas could offer a cancer patient led me to write this article for the blog section of this website. I then completed the level one certificate in Molecular Hydrogen studies with the Molecular Hydrogen Institute. This is a link to my H2 Advisor certificate .  If you want to ask me any questions about molecular hydrogen and cancer research or about the bottles or the hydrogen generators feel free to reach out via the contact page. I am overflowing with knowing. 

My Current Weekly Offerings (free)

Supporting others to heal the mind, body and the emotions is my number one focus and appears to remain such a huge part of my life. Apart from hosting and all the admin tasks and research I do every day for the group as whole, I also offer all my group member with cancer or caring for someone the opportunity to reach out to me for 1:1 support for the mind body aspect. You can also reach me via the contact page if you are keen to learn about the weekly Sunday/Monday Zoom group session for social and emotional nourishment. My mindset and emotions coaching is offered to individuals via weekly audio and email exchanges.  This method is actually found to be excellent for everyone concerned and means I can work with any time zones with the ease I need to thrive.

There is no charge for any of my group or personal 1:1 offerings, but I do encourage my members to use the links on my trusted supplier's page, as my affiliation with these trusted suppliers is what makes it possible for me to be here full-time for everyone without charging fees. I encourage you to check out the trusted supplier's page and support me the group as a whole and yourself at the same time

Members and contributors to the Healing Cancer Study Support (Facebook) Group and the Breast Cancer Pathways (Facebook) Group are always welcome to reach out via the contact us page and share any ideas or questions about this site or the groups.


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