Layce Murray’s Breast Cancer Integrative Healing Tribe Facebook Group

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Well organized valuable resources within an emotionally safe & supportive breast cancer healing tribe

Don't overlook the resources presented in this group's guides and files

Layce is the founder of Layce Murray Consulting LLC, Terrain Advocate Coaching, and Hope Anchors. She has been a holistic health practitioner for over 20 years. 

Layce Murray’s facebook group “Integrative Breast Cancer Healing Tribe” is my all time favourite Facebook Group. I am in constant awe of way Layce the group’s founder holds space in her heart and mind for all the aspects important to a breast cancer healing journey. Layce is so organised too! 

Layce writes: “Working our way through healing takes resources, time, learning, an open mind and a full integrative toolbox.”

The GUIDES created by Layce for the Breast Cancer Integrative Healing Tribe really satisfy my own strong need for organisation when I’m learning about what’s both new and super important to me. The ordered information and thoroughly researched resources have reduced the time many women including myself have spent navigating many a steep learning curves that come with a breast cancer diagnosis.

Visit or join my all time favourite breast cancer support group here:

Learn more about Layce and the valuable work she does outside of the group. You can even book a 1:1 consultation here:

Members of Layce's Integrative Breast Cancer Healing Tribe who are logged into Facebook can copy and paste any of these guide names (from this list below) into the group’s  ‘search group’ window to quickly access a guide.

Learning GUIDES in this amazing group include:

Facebook tutorials, how to use, search, guides,

New to a cancer journey

Member bios, tell your story

Discounts, grants,

Ways to HELP in this space - volunteer

Hope hank fillers and encouragement

Words matter

Healing team - finding your docs

Physician survey

Metabolic approach to cancer, Dr Nasha Winters

Breast cancer terminology

Absolute vs relative risk

Drivers of breast cancer

Getting support

Recommended reading

Other groups, blogs

Polls done in the group

Labs and testing (learning about labs)

Labs "terrain" labs and lab learning (blood labs)

Labs - Cancer markers

DUTCH test, (dried urine hormone test)

Genetic Learning

Hormone Learning

Hormones, Bioidenticals

Treatment Options - evaluating what you need

Conventional Tool Box

Choices; chemo, No chemo, rads, no rads -

Choosing breast surgery options 

Surgery and biopsy prep & timing

Breast reconstruction (implant, diep, etc.) and explant


Radiation and radiation support

Medications - tamoxifen

Buffering side effects of treatments

Lymphedema support

Vaginal dryness


Alternative tool box


Mistletoe (IV, injection, etc.)



Deuterium depletion


PET/CT prep and detox, mri, and x-rays
BioMat and infrared mats

What to eat, food, nutrition, etc.

Recipes and cooking (groups)

Recipes - Chef Nelda Vazquez

Learning Opportunities

Learning, favourite podcasts and interviews

Learning, classes to look into to help your journey

Hope anchors outreach (grants)

Stress and nervous system

HRV (heart rate variability)

Stress and fear - tools to use

Fear tool box


Dr Joe Dispenza's work

Breathing techniques

COVID and irregular mammograms after vaccine 

Skincare and makeup and body products that are clean
Cleaning supplies that are clean

Dense breast tissue


Triple negative pathology
Triple positive pathology
ER+ PR+ HER- pathology
HER+ pathology
Lobular pathology

Heavy metals (testing, chelation)

Organizing your healing journey (forms, scheduling, etc.) 

Parasite (testing and treatment)

Air purifiers

Water filters and treatments

Kitchen makeover

Layce and her Terrain Advocate Coaching team featured in this post..

DISCLAIMER: Any and all information in this post was gathered from published research in cell lines or animals, or from typical clinical use. It may not be complete, may not have not been verified in humans, and is NOT meant or given as medical advice, but only as a guide to further exploration.

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