Healing Cancer Study Support Facebook Group
A-Z index of All Active Threads and Files(For members of the private "Healing Cancer Study Support Group", on Facebook)
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A-Z Directory & Quick Links - to the Healing Cancer Study Support Facebook Group Threads Posts, Comments & Files
REMEMBER: Join / Login to the Group before clicking the Facebook Thread links below.A
Acid reflux support
Adrenocortical Carcinoma
Afinitor (Everolimus) conventional oncology drug
Agaricus blazei Murrill
Allicin anti-cancer immune system support research
R–Alpha Lipoic Acid inhibits neuropathy & more
Ammonium Tetrathiomolybdate (TM) chelates copper
Amygdalin, also known as Laetrile or vitamin B17
Andrographis a powerful anti-inflammatory and cancer pathway inhibitor
Anemia how to avoid/manage
Angiogenesis inhibiting foods and drugs; research sharing thread
Announcements made by Group Admin
Antihistamines that inhibit cancer pathways e.g Loratadine/Clarityn
Anxiety and how others here have worked with it.
Apigenin conversations & shares
Apigenin Liposomal MCS Formulas
Appendix Cancer
Appetite and Digestion
Apple Cider Vinegar research
Arjuna Bark
Aromatase Inhibitors standard and alternative
Artemisinin discussion thread
Artemisinin and its Derivatives in Cancer Care PDF file
Ascites how to avoid/manage
Ashwagandha and
MCS formulas: Pure Ashwagandha
Aspirin when healing cancer
Astragalus membranaceus & Formononetin
Astragalus Extra Strong by MCS Formulas
Australian Cancer Plan released April 2024
Autophagy inhibition in cancer
Avastin a VEGF inhibitor
Australian Integrative Practitioners & Cancer Patients' Wellness Supports PDF download found inside the group for private study group members, not public.

Bacteria that supports cancer spread/growth & how/if we can stop it?
Bacteria – engineering to inhibit cancer growth/spread
Bacteria – in relation to to healthy gut microbiome/immune system
Baicalein thread. MCS formulas: superior Liposomal Baicalein
Bamlet The .org website outlining The Bamlet Challenge
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Berberine thread. MCS formulas new Liposomal Berberine
Bergamot and MCS formulas superior Bergamot
Betulinic Acid cancer specific research summary
Betulinic Acid MCS Formulas Liposomal 50mg
Bilirubin lowering elevated levels conversation
Bio-availability of Supps and Drugs conversation thread
Biohawk PDF file and proline research discussion thread
Biological Books and Blogs for healing cancer; Recommendations
Biopsy Care
Biopsies - Liquid
Black Seed Oil (BSO) (Nigella Sativa) and MCS formulas high strength BSO
Bladder Cancer & Bladder Metabolic Phenotype PDF/file
Bleeding Tumors can we stop the bleeding?
Blood Glucose Monitoring for Newbies Sheet. Enter your readings and view what to aim for at different points of your day through a functional medicine lens for one week.
Blood Glucose Discussion Thread
Bone Mets What to do to inhibit?
Bone Mets Thread and
Bone Mets Healing Blog Article
Bone Health Conversation 2024
Boron for Cancer a link to conversations in group
Boswellia and MCS formulas Boswellia highest AKBA content
Brain mets What to do to avoid & inhibit growth?
Vit B17 – Amygdalin kills cancer cells
Breath Work to support healing.
Bromelain modulates the tumor microenvironment
Burdock Root improves lymphatic flow & stimulates the immune system.

Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer Pathways Free Worksheet Download & Information Page
- Breast Cancer Pathways (our sister group)
- CDK4/6 inhibition and support using natural compounds
- Collagen When Healing Breast Cancer Research Summary
- COMT status critical info for anyone using Tamoxifen short blog post.
- ER+/PR- Receptor Status Research and Support
- HER2+ Breast Cancer – Integrative Protocols (Maria’s group)
- Invasive Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma
- Genistein dosing research for ER+ breast cancer thread.
- Breast Cancer and Medical Cannabis Support File (.PDF download)
- Triple negative breast cancer TNBC (our thread)
- HER2+ breast cancer (our thread)
- ER/PR+ breast cancer (our thread)
- Triple positive breast cancer, TPBC (our thread)
- Male breast cancer (our thread)
- Breast Cancer Integrative Healing {Integrative Tribe} (Layce’s amazing FB group)
- 'Radiant Healing Together" Online Community Space Live events; breast cancer
- TNBC research and discussion group
- MCS Formulas Breast cancer extensively researched nutraceuticals pack with schedule

Cancer Care Document by Dr Paul E. Marik, MD, FCCM, FCCP.
Cannabis when healing cancer.. the research
Cancer Cachexia: How can we avoid and heal it?
Cancer Dietician's recommendations by members
Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) Natural compounds that target -research summary
Cancer Vaccination - PDF activate host immunity cells to destroy the tumour cells.
Cancer Vaccines in the UK a thread with the June 2024 updates
Candida is essential to heal when healing cancer
Capecitabine drug and Constipation from Capecitabine discussion
CAR/NK cell therapy
Caregivers of cancer patients
Care Oncology Clinic (COC) Conversation & Booklet as PDF/File
CDK 4/6 inhibitors thread Kisqali being ribociclib, Verzenio being abemaciclib
and Ibrance being palbociclib
CDK4/6 inhibition and support using natural compounds
Cell Cycles, Molecular Biology Cyclin-Dependent Kinases and any related cancer cell insights
Cell-free Chromatin particles (cfChps)
Cervical Cancers: Squamous Cell
Chemicals in Food that fight cancer
Chemotherapy support thread
Chemoembolization for
Chemoresistance How to avoid
Chemoresistance natural compounds research table
Chickweed for skin cancer research
Chinese Skullcap (Baicalein/Scutellaria baicalensis) Lipo Baicalein
Chinese traditional medicine thread
Chlorine Dioxide via Intratumoral Delivery research
Chrysin for cell signalling inhibition
Chrysin MCS Liposomal Formula (natural Aromatase Inhibition)
Cholera Vaccine is a repurposed drug for cancer
Chromium Picolinate
Cimetidineaka Tagamet
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC)
Citrus Bergamot and MCS formulas superior Citrus Bergamot
Clarithromycin PDF/File
Clinics; Sharing our links & our reviews of clinics offering Complementary
& Alternative Treatments for Healing Cancer- Worldwide (use arrow to flip thru images)
Clinical Trials for Cancer
Coagulants and Anticoagulants
Croatian group members; connection thread
Colorectal and Colon Cancer
Ronell’s Colon Cancer Pathways Research
Complete List of Drugs & Supplements in Book; How to Starve CancerPDF/File
Collagen When Healing Breast Cancer research summary
COQ10 conversation thread
Cryoblation Therapy
Curcumin and MCS formulas superior Liposomal Curcumin
Cycling Supplements and Medications
CT Scans; preparation for
Cycling Supplements and Medications
CYP interactions between herbs, foods, drugs and supplements and cytochromes P450 54 CYP3A4, CYP2D6, CYP1A2, and CYP2C8, which are the main clinically relevant cytochromes involved in anticancer drugs metabolism.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and cancer
2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG)
Danshen (Salvia Miltiorrhiza) Inhibits stat3 and cancer stem cell formation.
Dendritic Cell Therapy in Australia
Diarrhoea Diarrhea Group support thread.
Dichloroacetate (DCA)
Dichloroacetate (DCA) and 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) together?
Dead Cancer Cells Importance of Post-Chemo Clean-up
Dentistry must not be overlooked
Our group's list of holistic dentists worldwide
Detox Conversation and Detox Strategy PDF/ File
Diahhrea - support thread for post-treatment healing
Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG) and Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) and pathways file
Dipyridamole and
Dipyridamole alternatives to block nucleoside salvage
Directory of Integrative Practitioners and Healing Centres (Nancy's list)
Dr. Kenny Malaysia Clinic post on immunomodulation therapy
Doctors willing to discuss off-label drugs
Dr. Neil McKinney’s slides PDF. Managing Cancer Stem Cell Presentation 2022
Dori’s Simple 7: Over-the-Counter Cancer Pathways Inhibitor file
Dosing Summary FLCC Cancer Care Group Thread
Dr Joe Dispenza- Making Your Mind Matter thread
Dr McKinney’s Presentation PDF download: Cancer Metabolics & Epigenetics 2022 Update
Dr Neil McKinney’s slides PDF. Managing Cancer Stem Cell Presentation 2022
Dr Nasha Winters’ OPTIMAL ‘LAB’ RANGES file
Drug-Nutrient Interactions PDF/File
Drug and Therapy Interactions and Warnings Thread
DUTCH test Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones

East Asian Medicine thread
EBV and Cancer thread
EGCG (AKA Green Tea) and MCS formulas superior Green Tea extract
EGCG can be a pro-oxidant to cancer cells link to article
Elacestrant (Orserdu)Study Support Thread
Electrons harness them when healing
Emodin protection against IgG4 class switching
Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma High Grade
Environmental Toxins
Eosinophilia (elevated eosinophils)
Epigenetic Modulating Agents – Natural
Epigenetics presentation slides Dr Neil McKinney 2022
Epstein-Barr Virus and Cancer thread
Eribulin Support Summary (aka Halaven)
Essiac Tea
Estrogen Signalling and Breast Cancer Metabolism PDF/file
Esophageal Cancer Thread
Etiquette within the Group
European & UK Practitioner list PDF Download Jan 2024 update
Everolimus (brand name Afinito)
Ewing's Sarcoma a helpful conversation
Exacta by DATAR tumour analysis thread
Exercise as a pillar of cancer care
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Faslodex / Fulvestrant Side Effects Sharing and Support thread
Fatty Acid Pathways
Ferroptosis, Ferritin & CSC's discussion
Ferroptosis is well covered in Curt’s group & JMcL’s group & her book
Finding a Doctor list created by Dr. Thomas Dec 2020
Fisetin supplement; Liposomal highly bioavailable by MCS Formulas
Folate (Vitamin B9) and what you need to know.
Follicular Lymphoma Cell Signalling File
Fullscript Dispensary (USA)
Fungating & Ulcerating Tumors.
Fungi; and the research that connects it to cancer
Frankincense and Myrrh
Gadolinium Toxicity research and support
Garcinia Cambogia is used for hydroxycitrate acid (HCA)
Garlic Compounds the research
Garlic (Raw) & Lemons (Whole) thread
Gastric Cancer
Genomics for cancer PDF resource file
Gene Mutations
Genetic Mutations worth checking re. IV Vitamin C
Genistein cancer research and support
Genistein dosing research for ER+ breast cancer
Genistein Pure and 50% more bioavailable (with inulin)
Genomic Analysis OmicFood 50% discount post
Germany - Integrative Oncology Clinics
German New Medicine Discussion Thread (Valentina's)
GI effects a means of Stool testing
Glioblastoma -re-purposed drugs research post in group by Dr. Thomas
Glioblastoma -re-purposed drugs research blog post (shareable page)
Glioblastoma (GBM) & start of GBM PDF/file
Glioblastoma research file by group member Tom da Costa-Veiga
Glutamine and Protein in diet to rebuild post-treatment conversation
Glutamine inhibition & MCS formulas Glutamine Inhibifour
Glutathione when to inhibit when to increase?
Glycolysis Inhibition Formula research and discussion thread
Glycolysis Inhibition Formula by MCS Formulas
G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), also known as GPR30,
Grape Seed Extract Anti-cancer research support thread
Grape Seed Extract by MCS Formulas pure high-strength
Graviola kills cancer cells
Greek Test discussion thread
Green tea super powerful friend and MCS formulas superior Green Tea extract
Gut Microbiome and how to support it.
Growth Factor Inhibition Research threads:
Epidermal Growth Factor & Receptor (EGFR)
Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGR)
Human Epidermal Growth Factor & Receptor – 2 (HER2)
Insulin-like Growth Factors & Receptor (IGF-1)
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
Platelet Derived Growth Factor and Receptor (PDGF)
Transforming Growth Factor-β. (TGF-β).
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Receptor (VEGF)
Hair Dyes - Natural, non-toxic
Hand and Foot Syndrome How to Avoid It
Halaven Support Summary (brand name for Eribulin mesylate)
H2O – Drinking Water
HBOT Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
HDAC inhibition e.g Entinostat
Head and Neck Cancer
Herbs; a detailed list of 60 anti-cancer herbs
Herb-Drug (potential) Interactions for Commonly Used Herbs
Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (Liver Cancer)
HOCAT therapy
Hodgkins Lymphoma study support thread
Hodgkin Lymphoma personal protocol
Homeopathy for Cancer
Honey and cancer
Honokiol and MCS formulas superior Liposomal Honokiol
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Hydration and Dehydration
Hydrogen general anti-cancer therapy
Hydrogen against Treatment Side Effects Summary
Hydrogen for bone density and bone health research summary
Hydrogen Peroxide Dilution Calculator file (for nebulizers and oral use)
Hydroxycitrate Acid HCA from Garcinia Cambogia
HCA Garcinia. A Pure Standardised Extract by MCS Formulas
Hydroxytyrosol inhibits HIF1a, EMT, Wnt/β-catenin and TGFβ
Hydroxytyrosol 100% pure MCS formula
Hyper Progression (Turbo Cancer) Support Article
Hyperthermia Treatment discussion thread
Hyperthermia– How it works PDF file 1 and PDF file 2
Hypoxia & related Oxygen Multistep Immunostimulation /File
Ibrance and other CDK 4/6 inhibitors thread
Ibrance warning when taken with statin thread
Indol-3 Carbinol aka I3C
IGF-1 Insulin-like Growth Factors conversation thread
Immune Regulation of Cancer (incl strategies) PDF by Dr. McKinney
Immunotherapy conversation and research related shares
Indolent (slow-growing) cancers
Inflammation when chronic how to address?
Inflammatory Cytokines driving tumor growth
Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6)
Integrative Practitioner Directory Nancy's list an external website
Itraconazole for cancer (2024 research update)
Intravenous Vitamin C learn more..
IV Vitamin C and Genetic Mutations worth checking.
Intravenous Vitamin C dosing NEW INFO .PDF file (Aug 2022)
Intravenous Vitamin C personal success stories
Intravenous Vitamin C – preparing for
IV-C Administration quick ref. guide PDF
Ivermectin for cancer
Ivermectin's high dose and long-term dosing - looks like no strong evidence published.
Ivermectin visual disturbances conversation thread
Iodine has it’s place for many people healing cancer.
The Immune System and how can we support it?
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors - research and support
Kaempferol cancer research is growing by the day.
Keto for cancer diet a learning starting point only.
Keto and Metabolic Approach Experience Sharing
Keytruda discussion thread
Kidney Cancer
Kill Phase It’s a dance don’t get stuck there forever.
Kinase Inhibitors and their targets
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
Lab Testing beyond CBC and COMP
Laughter is the best medicine. Share something funny!
Learning via Mistakes
Lemons and Raw Garlic thread
Leukemia and similar blood cancer“
Libido: Female in response to hormone therapy
Ligustrazine aka Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
Liposomes and Cancer Treatment: thread
Liquid Biopsy study support thread
Liver Cancer
Liver Care when healing cancer
Liver Compress (features yarrow)
Liver Health Lab Test Support Thread
Liver Metastasis
Loratadine aka Clarityn
Low-Dose Metronomic Chemo or Insulin-Potentiated and Doctors willing to offer this
Low-dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Low White Blood Cell (WBC) Count
LDN boosts Chemo file
Low GI Diet
Low Platelet Counts / Thrombocytopenia
Lung Cancers: Small Cell and Non-Small Cell
Lung mets avoid and heal
Luteolin Inhibits many pathways.
Lymphedema also known as Lymphoedema
Lymphoma : Diffuse large B Cell member’s research file
Lymph Nodes conversation thread.
Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell crucial for the immune system. Comprising T, B, and natural killer cells, learn more about supporting these guys here.
Magnesium is important! and MCS have a superior Magnesium
Male Breast Cancer Thread.
Medical Mushrooms thread
Medical Mushrooms
Meditation & Visualization
Melanoma study support thread
Melatonin use in oncology research and support
Melatonin Article PDF/file A MUST READ!
Melatonin Cancer Journal Article in files library
Meningioma Cancer
Mesothelioma group members' thread
Mesothelioma.net in-depth treatment support
Metastasis prevention thread
Metformin: A popular repurposed drug choice
Methylene Blue research and support thread
Methionine (restriction in cancer therapy)
Metronomic Chemotherapy PDF/file
Microbiome, Gut Health and Cancer
Microbiome of tumours
Microenvironment It’s where action happens
Milk thistle Thread Milk thistle/Silymarin /file
Mistletoe Therapy Thread &
Mistletoe Therapy PDF/Files 1 & 2
Mitochondrial Correction
Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP)
Mold - How to manage/clean it up
Mouth Sores from Chemo Support thread
Moving Stuff On before it’s best by date
MCP inhibits Aerobic Glycolysis file
MRI contrast Gadolinium Toxicity research and support
Mushrooms and Superfeast Superior Medicinal Mushrooms USA or International & Australia
mTOR inhibition article unpacked and discussed
Music we love to hear when healing cancer
Multiple Myeloma
MYC oncogene
NADPH and its impact on cancer.
Nagourney Cancer Institute personalized cancer testing including early detection
Navigating the group on a mobile phone: screen recording Aug 2019
Natural Remedies to Support Conventional Therapies PDF/file
Neuroendocrine Tumors
Neuropathy Prevention and Healing Thread
Neutropenia / Low Neutrophils
New Hope for Cancer free to access website/cancer study resource
New Zealand Integrative Practitioners & Cancer Patient's Wellness Supports .PDF
PDF download found inside the group for private study group members not public.
Nocebo Effect
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Support Thread
Non Small Cell Lung Cancer NSCLC thread
Non-Toxic Cleaning and Personal Products
Nucleoside Salvage Inhibition
Oesophageal Cancer thread.
Olive Oil benefits when healing cancer
Omega 3 (EPA/DHA) thread and Maria’s piece on EPA/DHA
Organizing all the supplements and medications
Orserdu (Elacestrant) Study Support Thread
Other Facebook Groups Worth Joining Recommendations Thread
Ovarian Cancer
Ozonated Oil
Ozone Therapy
Pain Management
Palbociclib thread
Palbociclib warning when taking statin conversation thread
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
Panax notoginseng
Pancreatic Cancer and MCS formulas pancreas pack
Pancreatic Enzymes
PARP inhibitors
Pau d'arco
Pepper - Long pepper
Pentose Phosphate Pathway Inhibitor: DHEA
our Pets (the best therapy ever)
PET scans: preparation for
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) study support thread
Piperlonguminecancer research summary
Piperlongumine group research sharing and support thread
PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway
Pleural Mesothelioma Center website
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy: PEMF
Pulsing Intervals Drugs and Herbs conversation thread
pH Levels
Polyphenols for Cancer PDF file
Practitioners using the metabolic approach to cancer in: United Kingdom
Prenuvo MRI
Preventing Metastasis
Preventing Re-occurrence
Proline cancer research finds and Biohawk PDF file
Pro-resolving Mediators study support thread.
Prostate Cancer and a PDF file being copy of past 2 yrs of prostate thread
Prozac research for healing cancer
Prunella vulgaris (self-heal plant)
Psychological support resources post-cancer-diagnosis
Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy
PTEN a tumor suppressor gene we can protect and/or re-boot
Pulsing Supplements and Medications
Pyroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)Pro
Quercetin and MCS formulas Quercetin with Bromelain
Quantum Biology - Everyday Application and Inspiration
Rainbow off-label protocol group discussion space
Rainbow off-label protocol spreadsheet direct link opens in new window.
R- Alpha Lipoic Acid for neuropathy and more..
Radiation Therapy how to avoid harm and enhance treatment
Ranolazine (off-label FAO and Nav1.5 inhibitor)
RB1 gene mutation thread
Rebuilding our body’s capacity for strength, ease, balance, flexibility and stamina after cancer ‘safely’.
Rebyota re-purposed fecal transplant medicine now found to be effective for cancer immune support. Transcript of interview and links to speakers and recording.
Red Yeast Rice (RYR) and a RYR supp reviews file
Reflux (Acid) support
Relaxation Techniques
Re-purposed Drugs for Cancer Article with clinical trials identifier.
Research Support Thread
Resveratrol & Resveratrol PDF/file
MCS Formulas Liposomal Trans-Resveratrol Capsules
Ridding the Body of Dead Cancer Cells important post-kill phase e.g chemo
Rife Machine
RGCC testing
ROS-generating and ROS-eliminating strategies review paper
Rotating Supplements
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge aka Danshen
Sarcoma Cancers
Dr Saupe Arcadia Clinic Germany and 12 Vital Fields
Self Heal Plant
Senescence and Senolytic Compounds
Serine Pathway
Scans - Second opinion may be a valuable discussion thread
Scans PET scan and CT scan protection thread under P for PET
Scutellaria Extract
Shikonin Research Thread
Shikonin Pro Liposomal Formula from MCS Formulas
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang (SQDB), Immune Support aka Ten Significant Tonic Decoction
Signatera test
Silver nanoparticles for cancer
Silymarin Anti-Cancer Summary Blog Article
Silymarin - group in post connected to the above article
Skin Metastases
Sleep is ‘most’ important.
Solomon’s Seal worth exploring!
Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Pathway
SOT therapy
Soursop aka Graviola
Spatholobus suberectus aka Ji Xue Teng or Chicken Blood Vine.
Statin drugs against cancer metabolism
Statin warning for Palbociclib/Ibrance users thread
Stem Cells (cancer stem cells) pathway inhibition
Stool Testing
Stress; Cancer Related
Study Support Resources – online document library
Stress Release Strategies
Stomach Cancer thread. Same as gastric cancer thread.
Stomach Cancer Specific Support Group (a new group set up by one of our admins )
Sulforaphane and MCS Ultra Sulforaphane
Supplements by MCS cancer specific packs with dosing schedules
Surgery pre and post surgery do’s and don’ts
Tagamet aka Cimetidine
Targeted Therapy Resistance: How and when do we address this?
Tamoxifen Resistance
T-cell Support with Hydrogen Inhalation
T-cell Support during Sleep
Testicular Cancer
Tetrathiomolybdate. aka TM
Thrombocytosis -high platelets
Thrombocytopenia – low platelets
Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Hormones Impact on Cancer
Time-Restricted Eating (TRE)
Transforming Growth Factor-β. (TGF-β)
Trauma; cancer related
Tumor Lysis Syndrome
Tumor Markers
Tumor Microbiomes composed of tumor-type-specific intracellular bacteria
Tumor Micro-Environment
Turbo Cancers Support Article

U.K & European Practitioner list PDF Jan 2024 update and
U.K Cancer resources/support
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation
Ursolic Acid (AKA Tulsi or Holy Basil Tea)
Uterine Cancer
Uterine Cancer Resource Site (magnificent) external to this group but created with much care by someone who has walked this path ahead of you - well worth exploring
Uterine Leiomyosarcoma (LMS)
U.K & European Practitioner list

Get 20% off these H2 bottles with our discount code MHC20 and you support Abbey to support everyone here. See the H section for links to Hydrogen research threads.
Vagus Nerve and cancer patient outcomes
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Research and Support Thread
Vitamin C (oral) see IV above under I for IV-C
Oral Vit C and Breast Cancer
Vitamin D thread and Abbey's Vitamin D Cancer Research Summary 2024
Weight: Putting weight on post-treatment
White Blood Cell Count how to increase and ratios
Whole Lemons and Raw Garlic thread
Wilms Tumor research and support thread
Popular Articles & Research (MHC Blog)
Harnessing Hydrogen for Healing Cancer Research Summary 2024

Transforming Cancer Outcomes Requires Prompt Integrative Action

Abbey Mitchell speaks to Robin Daly on the Yes to Life Show