About Me Abbey Mitchell
I am founder of My Healing Community, co-creator of the Breast Cancer Pathways Worksheet, lead admin, and founder of The Healing Cancer Study Support Group
I am grateful to be alive and well and have no more evidence of the metastatic breast cancer I was diagnosed with in 2017. I am in my early 50s, living a simple life in the bush just 5 minutes from the sea on the beautiful mid-north coast halfway between Sydney and Brisbane, Australia.
I was first diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in 2014. At the age of 43, I had surgery to remove the left breast and then discovered the cancer had metastasised to about nine places in my bones in 2017. In 2014, I was more like a deer in the headlights, but in 2017, I had changed, and I got to work right away with learning and practising every aspect of healing - mind, emotions, movement, stillness, new habits, new diet, blocking hormone and inflammatory pathways and more.
As a cancer healing advocate, I have served as a compassionate guide and curator of free resource for individuals navigating their cancer journey since 2019. My role encompasses connecting patients with information to help them navigate the complex world of conventional, integrative and complementary cancer therapies. I enjoy fostering a holistic approach that addresses physical healing challenges as well as psychological and spiritual ones. By leveraging my experience and specialised knowledge, I help patients prioritize their needs and cultivate a sense of empowerment.
Day to day I facilitate connections to supportive resources and enable people living with cancer worldwide to share experiences and learn from others while encouraging interest in and understanding cancer research. Through these efforts, I strive to enhance patients' quality of life, improve their treatment outcomes, and empower them to become active participants in their own healing process.
There is no charge for any of my group or personal 1:1 offerings, but I do encourage my members to use the discount codes and links on my trusted supplier's page, as my affiliation with these trusted suppliers is what makes it possible for me to be here full-time for everyone without charging fees. https://myhealingcommunity.com/mhc-discounts-with-suppliers/
Members and contributors to the Healing Cancer Study Support (Facebook) Group and the Breast Cancer Pathways (Facebook) Group are always welcome to reach out via the contact us page and share any ideas or questions about this site or the groups.