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Lindsay McDonell is an author, speaker and cancer coach with a great depth of experiential knowledge.
Don’t overlook a positive vision, encouragement and support to help you fearlessly and powerfully on your journey.
Cancer coach and author Lindsay McDonell is also an eight-year thriver with metastatic breast cancer and chronic myeloid leukaemia. Through her 1:1 work with cancer patients Lindsay shares the secrets of how to regain your power and use your curiosity to put fear to the side and maximise your chance of surviving when faced with a cancer diagnosis.
Lindsay offers affordable one-on-one Coaching Sessions for those who need advice and guidance in managing their cancer journey. Anyone who has the opportunity to speak with Lindsay knows she really is such a wonderful communicator with rich insights to share on all aspects of the cancer journey.
Lindsay is Project LEAD certified with the National Breast Cancer for Healing and the Arts; a You Can Thrive coach, a Cancer Choices guide; and author of the book; Your Dance with Cancer.
Your Dance with Cancer on Amazon
Find / buy Kindle and Paperback editionsPrivate, personalised sessions with Lindsay are held via zoom and available for those who want inspiration, education, and support. Lindsay uses her experience to help others thrive in the face of a cancer diagnosis. The tools Lindsay has developed can help you with your dance with cancer so you can feel powerful and move forward as your own best advocate.
Learn more about what Lindsay offers in her one hour sessions and 5 or 10 week coaching packages at her website
Find Lindsay’s Facebook page -
DISCLAIMER: Any and all information in this post was gathered from published research in cell lines or animals, or from typical clinical use. It may not be complete, may not have not been verified in humans, and is NOT meant or given as medical advice, but only as a guide to further exploration.