Empathic Connection Group on Zoom for People Living with Cancer – Free Weekly

This is an opportunity for people who have had a cancer diagnosis to come together each week and feel seen and heard on the topics most meaningful to members of our community.
Hosted by Abbey Mitchell, the founder of My Healing Community and the Healing Cancer Study Support Group. You don’t need to make a weekly commitment. You can try a session or two and see if it is a good match for you.
By showing up for one another when we can with some basic tools to support meaningful and compassionate communication, we can all move more easily through the tough days and the wide range of challenging feelings we share.
Maria Wessling Bachteal, founder of the HER2+ breast cancer integrative healing protocol support group, writes:
“I highly recommend checking this out. Abbey offers similar sessions through the Radiant Healing Together breast cancer support community. Everyone I know who has attended (including myself) has benefited from Abbey’s gift of guidance through gentle, compassionate instruction and guided meditations. I’ve enjoyed forming connections with other group members and going deeper into self-discovery.”
Amy Robinson Bellomo, Founder of the Radiant Healing Together Breast Cancer Circle Community, writes:
…Abbey brings her incredible research knowledge, her caring heart and skilful training in emotional support, and her beautiful example of healing from her cancer diagnosis to these powerful sessions. She is offering them as a gift to this community to provide this support to all who need it. Her research and experience inform her of how powerful this emotional and social support can be for our quality of life and outcomes. She also credits her emotional work as a vital piece in her healing. I hope this community joins us for these sessions in June!
Thank you, Abbey, for all you do for the greater cancer community. We are lucky to have you!
Before registering your interest for any Free Sunday Support Sessions in June and July, please read this post in the Healing Cancer Study Support Group, which provides a full session outline and guidelines.
An idea of the times: USA at 1 pm PDT, 4 pm EDT, 8 pm GMT, being early Monday mornings at 6 am AEST (Australia East Coast) and 8 am NZT.