Devorah’s 10-minute tools to shift stressful feelings quickly

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Quick Tools for Reducing Stressful Feelings During Cancer Treatment and Recovery

Presented by Devorah Goldblatt

learn powerful, life-changing holistic tools like EFT/tapping, EMDR-derived tools, and more

We all will face hard things and when we do Devorah's hope is for everyone to have a "toolbox" of powerful tools for resilience, so they can return to balance even when it feels like 'life is a dumpster fire'.

Devorah had metaplastic carcinoma a rare form of breast cancer and now she is thriving and busy creating and sharing powerful tools that can quickly support others in treatment to shift our brain state from “fight/flight" back to "calm/curious".

Devorah once applied these same powerful tools in her work as a teen counsellor and they proved themselves powerful when Devorah herself navigated the challenges of chemo, chemo failure, surgery, surgery failure and radiation. Devorah is honoured to be able to offer support to others facing intense health challenges via her online quick tools webpage, 1:1 sessions and her Patreon support group.

You can find out more about the online support group via her Patreon page :

Book a 1:1 session in which Devorah in which she will hold space to listen to your story, and what is happening within you right now, then offer some of these quick tools and practices, like EFT/tapping, that support your coming into balance. Sliding scale rates are available.

Visit her free quick tools for the wait webpage for the free quick tools videos.

Devorah offers support

DISCLAIMER: Any and all information in this post was gathered from published research in cell lines or animals, or from typical clinical use. It may not be complete, may not have not been verified in humans, and is NOT meant or given as medical advice, but only as a guide to further exploration.

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