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Could antioxidants actually enhance chemotherapy outcomes?

my own research table for natural compounds that support  standard of care  treatments

Artemisinin is technically the only compound in my table that is NOT considered and antioxidant.
The number 1's are direct links to the research for enhancing each treatment with that particular compound.

compounds in bioavailable natural supplements target chemotherapy resistance quick view table, including curcumin, berberine, betulinic aicd and sulforaphane
Access Abbey's research summary table with links to PubMed : here  

Nowadays, we all have comprehensive data at our fingertips that we can turn to when someone strongly suggests that we should stop all the antioxidants during chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Instead of agreeing out of fear of upsetting the person who appears to be in the know, we really need to take responsibility and look at each supplement carefully and make the best decision for our survival at the time.

There is simply no longer a one size fits all when it comes to chemotherapy or when it comes to evaluating the use of compounds we call "antioxidants". For example, although EGCG from green tea has both antioxidant and pro-oxidant properties, its pro-oxidant activity has been postulated to be primarily responsible for its anti-cancer effects (ref).

Feel free to read and share this blog post that connects to my research summary table loaded with direct links to PubMed here (each number 1 symbol in the table is a link).

DISCLAIMER: Any and all information in this post was gathered from published research in cell lines or animals, or from typical clinical use. It may not be complete, may not have not been verified in humans, and is NOT meant or given as medical advice, but only as a guide to further exploration.

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